1.6k words

UX: 这次我们把按钮的文字改一下,从 “Continue” 改成 “Save…”.


Reviewer: 不,那可不只是三个点

2.1k words

在搬完家休息了几天之后,按照计划,决定和一起搬家的小伙伴们去周边的国家公园游览一下。请假了周四周五,连上周六三天两夜,没有爬长 trail 的打算,仅仅想把主要景点打个卡。

1.1k words

本来和另外两个室友住在一起的,但其中一个室友因为办公室要 relocate 了,所以只能和另一个室友重新找一个 Apartment。

3.5k words

It happens that the stage sets collapse. Rising, streetcar, four hours in the office or the factory, meal, streetcar, four hours of work, meal, sleep, and Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and Saturday according to the same rhythm — this path is easily followed most of the time. But one day the “why” arises and everything begins in that weariness tinged with amazement. “Begins” — this is important.
by Albert Camus
